Sunrise Dot Com Book 2




Sunrise Dot Com

Computer Science and Information Technology

Sunrise Dot Com series is a set of eight books, covering the basics of the subject with the Windows XP Operating System, applications of MS-OFFICE 2007 packages and logo program.

They also cover the applications of Flash and Photoshop for animations and graphics, Visual Basic, JAVA, QBASIC, Internet, E-mail and HTML extensively in the higher classes.All screen shots are of Windows XP (Professional) and MS.OFFICE 2007 version.

The information in all the eight books is provided under the following headings:

  • HOTS
  • Brain Teasers
  • Know More
  • Do You Know
  • Computer Word
  • Computer Etiquette
  • Activity Time
  • Project Work
  • Think and Answer
  • In the Lab
  • Evaluation Worksheets
  • Practice Sheet