New Mathematics Counts Book 5




New Mathematics Counts is a set of five textbooks which prepares students for success in O level examinations. The Concrete–Pictorial–Abstract approach is used and care is given to introduce one concept at a time to allow students to grasp each concept with ease, and work through graded exercises as they develop, and consolidate their learning.

  • Engaging Openings attract attention — Each chapter starts with an opening related to the topic that holds the students’ attention.
  • Discover! — The key learning outcomes are outlined at the beginning of each chapter.
  • Diagrams aid visualization — Diagrams are used throughout to help students visualize mathematical concepts and ideas more clearly.
  • Key ideas — Definitions and mathematical formulas are prominently highlighted to bring focus to the key concepts covered in the chapter.
  • Worked examples — Found throughout the book, these examples serve to bring students step-by-step through the process to solving the problem.
  • Margin texts — These aids pop-up as needed to guide students through difficult concepts and workings.