Computer Today Book 8





Computers Today is a series of eight books and conforms to the vision of the curriculum framework. This is an updated course based on Windows 10 and MS Office 2019 introducing students to the latest interface and the associated features.

Key Features

Word Web explains the difficult words. You Should Know gives interesting facts about the relevant topic.

Quick Way highlights the important keyboard shortcuts for the menu commands.

Exercise at the end of each chapter reinforces the understanding of the topic.

Research Project integrates Computer Science with other subjects.

IT Personalities contains important information about the famous IT personalities.

Key Terms and Tech Terms enlist the important terms for the students.

Latest IT Trends describes the emerging technological advancements.

The entire package comprises of Coursebooks 1 to 8, and also Teacher’s Resource 1 to 8 as support for the teachers.

The series is designed as an interesting and innovative course catering to the user requirements across the board. It is aimed at imparting basic knowledge of Computer Science to students, thereby leading them to gain technical expertise in the latest software applications.