Sunrise Handwriting Pupil Book 1




Handwriting forms an important part of communication in daily life and one on which we are often judged. Sunrise Handwriting is a script handwriting programme that focuses on writing fluently, comfortably and legibly. This programme gives a greater emphasis to the four Ps: Preparation, Pencil Grip, Posture and Practice.

Pupil Book A focuses on developing Fine Motor Skills such as: cutting, sticking, folding, pinching and picking.

Pupil Book B focuses on the correct formation of all lower case letters. The letters are script (with ‘no tails’).

Pupil Book 1 and Pupil Book 2 focus on the correct formation of all upper case letters and give further practice in lower case letter formation.

Pupil Book 3 offers meaningful writing exercises, e.g. recipes, quiz style questions and answers and interesting facts.